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5 simple steps in 5 minutes
Aadhar Number + OTP
Enter PAN Number and Bank Account Details
Email Verification and Personal Details
*Document Upload & Selfie Photo
eSign + OTP
* In case of Foreign Passport it need to be accompanied by OCI/PIO Card with matching passport number.
You have to choose to open an NRI Trading Account under either Repatriable or Non Repatriable mode.
To know more about the different types of accounts, documents required and about the complete procedure in detail, check here
The benefits of opening an NRO demat account with us are:
Apart from the benefits mentioned above, you will also be able to enjoy a plethora of other benefits. Click here to know more about them.
Yes, NRIs / PIOs / OCIs can trade in Derivatives segment in India . However such trades can be done currently without repatriation benefits (NRO).
Tradeplus is one of the few Brokers in India who provide Trading facility to NRIs in F&O segment. The brokerage is as low as Rupees 49 per executed order.
It's not difficult at all. Tradeplus provides end to end service to its clients, from opening an account, to funding, investing and creating wealth, liquidating stocks to taking back money to the country of their residence.
One may repatriate up to one million dollars in a year by submitting relevant Auditor Certificate. We help our clients in obtaining these forms too through our Auditors. These forms should subsequently be forwarded to the bank along with the forms required by them to repatriate the required funds.