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Create your own trading platform in your preferred language using Tradeplus's paperless and hassle-free technology.
Separate APIs for each stage.
Interactive and Market feed - Get Live market feeds, execute orders in real time, monitor your positions, manage your portfolio and much more
Build & customized complete trading platforms for your specific needs.
Use our SDKs for swift integration in the language of your choice.
Create Account for API Developer. You will need to create an account in this URL to create an application for API Key and Secret Key
Create application for API Key and API Secret
Once Request is Approved, Copy Secret Key to use it
Customers need to log in using the public key and secret key which are generated while registering with the API dashboard along with a unique key that will be created in the Host LookUp session. The public key will be first authenticated by the Tradeplus gateway before redirecting to the API service.
It is highly recommended that you do not embed the apiSecret in your frontend app. Create a remote backend which does the handshake on behalf of the frontend app. Marking the apiSecret in the frontend app will make your app vulnerable to threats and potential issues.
Our APIs can take 600 order requests/minute and for other APIs, it is 50 requests/minute (which can also be increased upon request) - This we are also providing 50req/minute only since it is suggested but we can provide up to 500 request or more if any client requests for it (But not suggested usually).
Trading APIs are the tools that help you build automated trading systems. With the help of trading APIs you can create different automated trading strategies and have rule based trading.
To let you get started into the world of algo-trading. To convert your manual trading setup into a completely automated one.
You can first generate APIs keys from "Get API Keys" section on the "Developer Api Documentation page". With our Developer APIs you can easily place orders , get market data and check reports real-time. Developers APIs solves most of the challenges that you face in making your algo-trading setup.
Our APIs can take 600 order requests/minute and for other APIs it is 50 requests/minute (which can also be increased upon request).
Developer APIs provide all trading APIs are chargeable @ Rs. 1500/- per month.