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Vice Principal

Dr. Anandapriya B

Vice Principal ( Shift I)

There is nothing that compares to a new fresh start! I feel overwhelmed and honored to be part of Patrician College of Arts and Science in my new role as the Vice Principal. I am deeply indebted to the Management for entrusting me with this opportunity and I am confident that I will discharge my duty to the best of my abilities.

During my tenure I would like to play the role of facilitator and mentor to my colleagues and students and encourage them to achieve their goals.

As John Dewey says “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” True to his words the realities of education today are unique and challenging. We at our college stand with a strong commitment towards building the character of individuals. Our focus is to prepare our students to become leaders in the world community with a positive outlook and humane approach.

I hope all stakeholders will be part of the team to achieve the vision and mission of the college. Anticipation, excitement, anxiety are a few of the emotions that we all experience during the beginning of the new academic year. Together we hope to overcome any challenge and march forward.